
San Diego

Surf, Stanton, Southern Cali Drama, Surf, Kids with too much $$,
Fubar, Mickey's, Dawn Patrol?, not enough reggae, too many dings, Scoring food at Point Loma Caf, Surf, epic mexican eats, surf surf surf.


Rainbow Sandals, Treelight Room, awesomenes

Chilling in newport with james has been like a fantasy. seriously. James is someone who when you ask for a bowl of ice cream he not only falls over himself to get you one but also apologizes and feels bad that he hadn't already offered you a bowl. He seriously lives out Mi Casa tu Casa. Needless to say he has hooked us up. 2 surfboards, 2 surfboard bags (one of those huge coffins. stoked.), 2 wetsuits (3/2. even more stoked! after wearing a 6/5/4 in Canada a few months earlier). Been surfing trestles every day. Doug and James mostly surfed at Old Mans, super fun and mellow, and I cought a few really fun ones at Churches. Orange county has got church figured out good down here ha...
So we stopped at Rainbow Sandals on the way to trestles yesterday. The company was started by a surfer who was sick of seeing sandals washing up on the beach on his way to surf. He started making quality sandals that are made from recycled material, biodegradable and last forever. So we walk in and theres a guy greeting people as they enter. I ask him if there are any damaged sandals I can have because I don't have any money to spend. He says no we send those to mexico. Some random overhears our conversation and takes his shoes off and gives them to me. NICE. Free sandals. 
Like, 10 minutes later the first guy I talked to walks out with some brand new sandals that just have a little tear in them and gives them to me. NICE. Free sandals for me and doug. We had JUST been talking about how we needed sandals. 
so that was cool...
(anyone know who that surfing rabbi in step into liquid is? I swear I saw him yesterday haha...so soul....) 

"stoked" - adjective - to be "stoked" is to be completely and intensely enthusiastic, exhilirated, or excited about something. those who are stoked all of the time know this; being stoked is the epitome of all being. when one is stoked, there is no limit to what one can do. 
also, "stoke" - verb - one can "stoke" oneself out by facing challenges or by revving up an engine within oneself to accomplish that which one desires. 
*being too stoked just means that you're still not stoked enough*
-Urban Dictionary

Shameless Plug:

If I  wasn't going to san diego tonight to see some old friends and surf warm waves I would definitely be going to the Treelight Room Show tonight in Langley. If your in the area, Go. And definitely get off our blog, and you should probably go skate. Cuz if your actually reading this on a friday night you need to do something better with your time. Just a thought....


The Story Thus Far

We left Vancouver April 5, 2 days after my 21st birthday. It had been exactly one
year, four months and 7 days since the seed had been planted. The mission I had 
taken on. Drive to Tierra del Fuego. 
A year later and the only plan I had was to head south. 
Destination Unknown.

Head south. 

Live out of the Landcruiser and head down the coast.
Surf, Skate, Live, Love. basically. wow....cheese....

We meandered our way down to Seattle and up and around the Olympic Peninsula. 
Once we got on the 101 we mostly kept to it and spent a frustrating 2 weeks trying to 
make the truck run on Vegetable oil reliably. We were skating at burnside having already 
been in Portland for 3 days when we pulled out the map. Where do you go when you have 
nowhere to be and a free way to get there? We stuck to the plan. Head south. Southern California. 
Pick up my surfboard and catch a few. We are in Newport Beach right now with my buddy James.

Were gonna head down to San Diego in a few days and then surf california going north back into 
Oregon to visit Caleb. Duh. I stood you up once. I'm not going to let that happen again. 
From there we cut east with Adam on his Honda 650L down through Northern Nevada, 
across Utah and into Colorado to see Miss Marsh, Boulder, and visit Hunter S. Thompsons grave.
Then down into Arizona for the grand canyon and death valley back in California.
Go skate a pool in the salton sea (http://www.youtube.com/watchv=QhB2ZvHVFls), and 
head back to Southern California. Meet up with Fabian and his Harley Roadster, and
then we all head south into Mexico.
Thats about the plan right now. 
I think. 
Everything is subject to change.
And probably will.